Cristina Calderón

Barcelona, 1972

Multidisciplinary visual artist: installation, photography, video or live-cinema.
Her recent interests deal with the exploration of space and time based on landscape and the different ways of representing and inhabiting it. In her work, artistic production becomes a laboratory of plastic and digital experimentation, where she actively participates in passable installations. In a chain of representations between the physical and the virtual, the models she builds become shadows, which in turn become photographs to become place again.
From the memory of the landscape and its activation in the present, she creates liminal places, opportunities to explore the connections between landscape, culture and collective memory.
In Cientomasuna she presents El paisaje heroico. Chapter IV, 2021, images resulting from photographing shadows of models on the wall.
With a degree in Fine Arts from the Faculty of Barcelona, she has received several awards and distinctions such as the EART 2023 Artist Residency Grant, Barcelona; Fabra i Coats 2021 Artist Residency Grant, Barcelona; Faber Residency Grant 2020; Casa de Velázquez Grant, Madrid; Pilar Juncosa i Joan Miró Caja Madrid Foundation Grant; Generation 2000 Award, Barcelona; Miquel Casablancas Award; Finalist in Thambos 9, Biennial of Creators, H.AAC Vic; Sant Andreu Contemporani, among others.